RIC Australia (Pty) Ltd is a specialist geotechnical contractor that concentrates on rehabilitating problematic soil conditions by means of first world technologies.
RIC Australia is the only company in Australia that brings this technology to the construction industry.
Rapid Impact Compaction uses controlled impact technology to increase the bearing capacity of soils up to a depth of 6m. It is not only highly effective, but can substantially reduce project cost and duration when used instead of conventional construction methods.
We provide the following specialist geotechnical services:
- Rapid Impact Compaction (RIC) of gravels or sands, collapse potential removal, pinhole removal in soils and RIC combined with self-drilling anchors (SDAs)
- RIC stone column installation and platform design in clays, silty soils and sandy silts
- Sheet piling installation
- Design and geotechnical design services
- Continuous Surface Wave Testing (CSW testing)
- Plate load testing
- Pile load testing
- Vibration monitoring
RIC Australia operates throughout Australia.