RIC is a technique allied to Dynamic Compaction that can be used to increase the bearing capacity of soils through controlled Impact. The treatment is effective in the top layers of soil, typically up to 6m depth, though improvements up to a depth of 9m have been seen in some conditions.
Drop weights of 9 tonnes are used on our RIC9 Ton machines and are dropped from heights of 1.2m onto a special foot assembly at 40 – 50 times per minute. The foot remains in contact with the ground at all times.
The benefits of Rapid Impact Compaction
- Control: the machine is accurately controlled from the excavator cab and the degree of compaction is electronically monitored,
- Safety: the impact foot is in contact with the ground at all times and eliminates the risk of flying debris. Unlike conventional dynamic compaction, other activities can take place in close proximity,
- Quality assurance: the impact energy and soil deflection are recorded by an on-board computer for presentation of compaction data to site managers. Results can verify work done to the client. The data can also highlight weak zones where extra fill is required, or zones where underground obstructions were present (eg. previously hidden old foundations),
- Mobilisation: the RIC unit is mounted on CAT 45 ton excavator and can be mobilised within minutes of arrival on site,
- Speed & cost: due to the fast ground coverage and the compaction efficiency, RIC generates a significant cost and time saving over conventional earthworks with up to 75% cost and 100% time savings.
The applications of Rapid Impact Compaction
- Surface consolidation: final treatment of upper strata following traditional dynamic compaction of the deeper layers of soil,
- Foundations support: increases bearing capacity and reduces settlement,
- Floor slab support: stiffens soils and creates uniform bearing conditions,
- Liquefaction mitigation: increases shear wave modulus to help raise the seismic site class,
- Waste stabilization: reduces waste volume and improves the properties of loose fills.
RIC has been successfully used to consolidate gravel, sands, silts, miscellaneous sand-silt-clay and industrial and mining waste fills. The ability to dump and compact sand or stone to depths of up to 6m simplifies remediation practices.
Rapid Impact Compaction is less expensive than other over-excavation and replacement techniques.
RIC Australia operates throughout Australia.
To find out more about the applications of Rapid Impact Compaction, please call us on +61 (08) 6388 9951, or click here to e-mail us.