Rapid Impact Compaction:
RIC makes possible the consolidation of material up to a depth of 6m using two RIC 9 ton and one RIC12 ton hydraulic hammers. The hydraulic hammers are mounted on mobile 50 ton and bigger caterpillar excavators.
The typical coverage per RIC machine ranges from 800m2 to 1,200m2 calculated at a 5m depth of influence. This equates to an average of 5,000m3 of material treated per day, per RIC machine.
Rapid Impact Compaction is 40 – 60% less expensive and at least 3 times faster than conventional compaction. This holds huge benefits in terms of the project’s critical path programme.
Comparison with Conventional Dynamic Compaction
Dynamic Compactions imparts impact energy to soils or fills through the controlled dropping of a large weight from a specific height.
With conventional DC, the weight is typically 10 to 15 tons, the height is 5 to 15m and the frequency is one to two drops per minute. The BSP Rapid Impact Compactor imparts energy by dropping a 5, 7 or 9 ton weight from a relatively low height (1.2m) at a very much higher rate of 40 to 60 times per minute.
The energy inputs of both systems are directly comparable but the energy transfer of the Compactor is far more effective by virtue of its foot, which stays in contact with the ground during the impacting sequence; this ensures the efficient transfer of energy into the ground.
Stone Column installation
Installation of rock to a depth of 5m to construct a raft, stiffen the insitu material, relieve pore water pressures during installation; followed by the installation of a layer of geo-grid to minimize and spread differential settlement.
Dynamic Compaction (Deep Compaction and stone column installation)
The designs for the above geotechnical services are performed by a global renowned Geotechnical Consulting firm. RIC Australia, based in Perth Australia, and their consultants will also provide Professional Indemnity insurance for the design and, if required, for work to be performed.
Quality Assurance (Testing):
(a) Continuous Surface Wave Testing (CSW testing)
RIC Africa utilise the services of Prof Gerhard Heymann to perform Continuous Surface Wave testing (Pre and Post works) to establish the stiffness of the in-situ material created after RIC, dynamic compaction and stone column installations.
The data yielded may then be shared with the client’s civil, structural and geotechnical consultants.
(b) Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH)
Apart from the CSW testing we, RIC Africa, also provide the service of Dynamic Probe Super heavy (DPSH) to determine N values in sand and gravel in-situ material t depths of 8m.
Vibration monitoring
The process involves the placing of vibration monitors in predetermined positions to monitor the vibrations generated. The monitors have remote communication abilities.
The type of monitoring can be changed from continues monitoring with pre-set trigger levels for individual events to a Histogram Combo.
RIC Australia operates throughout Australia.
To find out more about the professional geotechnical services we provide, please call us on +61 (08) 6388 9951 , or click here to e-mail us.